Assessment, Preplanning, Readiness
Site-Specific Services
The experience gained responding to major incidents across the globe greatly advantages us when confronting the most dangerous fire events. This same experience is invaluable in helping our clients thoroughly assess their exposures and plan for possible scenarios that might affect their facilities. We work closely with Plant Management, Fire Chiefs, Engineering, and other critical functions to develop the proper response arsenal for a given facility. Our response planning expertise includes best practice protocols, mobile eqipment and fixed system recommendations that are being used today to protect massive storage tanks, pipelines, terminals ... even the Panama Canal!
WILLIAMS FIRE & HAZARD CONTROL Services will work with you onsite to assess the challenges and risks that are unique to your facility. We can then offer response solutions and systems integration tailored to meet your needs and help mitigate potential threats.
Training may then be designed using corporate or training facility assets to assure response personnel are acquainted with equipment, tactics, and response logistics that will likely be encountered during an incident throughout your site.
Please contact our office for more details: +1-409-971-4100 or visit our Response / Technical Support Staff for help.